COALMONT works as project partners during the entire engineering process to ensure safe and flawless execution. Coalmont approaches design-build projects with the end-user and maintainability in mind, with custom innovation built into every design.
Automation Systems - Robots, Sensors and Measuring
Critical AC, DC & Servo Coordinated Drive Applications and Systems
Power System Studies, Analysis, and Specifications
Industrial Networking and Plant-wide Data Sharing and Visualization
Optical Measurement, Precision Positioning, and Quality Control Systems
Machine and Process Safety Reviews and Assessments
Distribution & Protection System Coordination, Expansion and Redundancy

What our customers have to say…
“Thank you to everyone involved. This was a combination of late nights/mornings, and weekends, all of which consumed project resources with critical deadlines. I haven't communicated the total appreciation I have for this team and it's ability to contribute as one. We're in outage season, on top of a very busy year, please know that I see the primary and supporting efforts of all, and I look forward to speaking directly to everyone as we press through the remainder of the year. I'm impressed, excited for what's ahead, and completely thankful to be working with everyone at Coalmont. THANK YOU!”
-W.B. Director of Electrical Services in the Mining Industry